IDL Foundation

4.7 ( 237 ratings )

IDL App Description is a non-profit NGO, registered charitable trust,.working for blind & visually challenged, celebrating A decade + Year of service to humanity established in 2003. Helped 45,000+ special people & distributed 97,000+ eye donation forms so far. Recipient of State- 2006 & Kempegowda-2012 Awards for yeomen social service with 12A & 80G Tax Exempt from Income Tax exemption for donation & FCRA
IDL Foundation is located in Mathikere, North Bangalore near MSR Hospital, our activities & Projects includes Health, Education, Hunger, Computers with Jaws, English Speaking Courses & Braille Library, Aids & Appliances, Mid day mean, Hostel Facility, Special Job Portal and Music-IDL Blind Band, all the musicians & singers are blind & visually challenged with guitar, Keyboard, Rhythm Pad, Mini Drums knowing 1500 multi language songs and performed over 500+ shows to whos who of the world and counting.